8x10 Lego Camera!

Holy crap! I'm so excited! I got a comment on a photo on flickr yesterday from user cool-baby about a camera he made. A couple of weeks ago he told me about a 4x5 Lego camera he made in reaction to the one I made, which made me pretty happy, but yesterday's shout out took me to a new level.

The above photo is a shot of his 8x10 Lego camera! I hate that he beat me to the punch on making an 8x10, but I don't have enough bricks around to make it happen, so I can't feel too bad. I'm dying to see something he shoots with it!

Check out his flickr stream to watch the progress!

Below is a detail shot of the camera, a note for which mentioned the lens is from a Seneca Uno he got on eBay.