Day 004


Another shot of David today.

The next few weeks are going to be pretty crazy and I can't predict the regularity of the posts. Tomorrow I have a meeting with a friend (two...well..three technically as the second is pregnant) about the planning of an overhaul to this blog as well as poptpop.

Tuesday I head to New York for meetings and an annual report to shoot. I come back mid-next week and have a few days to gather my stuff and, do laundry, and head to Atlanta. There, I am hoping to slip in a couple of meetings on Monday and get on a plane that night en route to Uganda.

I'll be gone to Africa from the 19th through, if all goes as planned, the 30th. I am heading there thanks to Simon Cyrene (the non-profit side of Slaughter Group) to create tons of promotional photographs for a non-profit I think is really doing tremendous work in Africa called DIG (Development in Gardening). I'm bad at summarizing so here is the blurb from their website to explain exactly what they do.

DIG is a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to improve the health and well-being of HIV-positive and other at-risk individuals in developing nations. We do this by teaching the skills and providing the infrastructure to create sustainable community gardens, thereby empowering people to improve both their nutrition and earning potential.

Suffice it to say I am _very_ excited to be connected to this. I'll be on the ground really for about 6 days so I'm obviously going to be busting ass to cover as much ground as possible in such a small amount of time. The subject matter will range from Portraits to "products" (ie the foods they have produced) to photos of Jinja to the travel it takes to get there to the people involved in making it all happen. Lots of "to"'s just then.

My point is that, thankfully I'm going to be Way busy. At least until February. After that, I'll probably knock on your door to see if you need any photos taken.

Photos I took today include a few of my Mom which are typically taken at times she'd rather not be photographed (she crashed on my couch last night and I took a few snaps of her still curled up in the blue blanket on the purple couch right next to my huge windows. I hope they will be interesting. She will no doubt hate them. I also shot Stephanie a bit at home and David and Chris while reading at Starbucks. I'd love for that sentence to have ended " Urban Standard" but they aren't open on Sunday, nor would they have been open the whole time I would have liked to have been there. I digress.

P.s. there was a totally shady dude down in the parking lot below my studio. Acting super sketchy getting in and out of his car and looking up at the windows. Just sayin'.

P.p.s. these shots of David (and other things that aren't him per se) are for his new album. Release date TBA but I'm sure I'll blog about it when it is out. Just for your fyi.