Dispatch from the road: Phoenix.
It's been a busy month and we capped it off with a trip to Arizona to visit family. We're checking off a couple of our to-do items for 2014 on this trip, too, by heading to the Grand Canyon and by Steph learning to make some family cookies.
It's been a whirlwind of mountains and poptpops and bad vacation photos*. Highlights: Sedona jeep tour, Wukoki Pueblo in Flagstaff, and being totally surrounded by tourists with cameras.
*by bad vacation photos I mean, specifically, us mimicking photos we've found of my grandmother and grandfather. There are so many photos where they are in utterly banal places (parking lots, for instance) just standing there, or in AMAZING places looking totally bored. Stephanie and I have endeavored to create new versions of them on our travels. Each grandparent had little quirks. Grandmother's was to hold her hands in a certain way. Steph has adopted that posture. Anyway...
These last two are from the Wukoki Pueblo area near Flagstaff. THIS PLACE WAS AMAZING. Could've stayed there for ages.
And here's Kathy, Jessica, Steph, and Libby working cookies.