Birmingham hosted another BrickFair recently and Steph and I were able to go to make some 4x5 portraits on the Legotron. I haven't made the time yet to develop the sheets, but I took a few digital snaps as light tests and thought I'd post a preview of the event from some of those photos.
I'll save more detail for when I get around to developing and scanning the film. For now, here are some photos.
Above is a dude named Daniel who was working on building a LEGO diarama of the convention we were currently attending. A bit of meta-genius. What's better is his name tag that reads "I'm wearing more LEGO than you."
Below is Franklin (right) and Bill (left). They were the only two sight impaired entrants in the convention and they happened to get placed right next to each other at the same table. Weird, eh?
And here's Mr. Red. He and his wife drove from Canada to be in this thing. Their setup was HUGE. More on that later.
Here's one of the judges checking his list to see if he needs to grab the "nominee" plaque (made of LEGO, obviously) and / or leave a "winner" plaque.
Here's a guy called Jordan working on his contribution to the convention. Again, more detail later when I get to the 4x5s.