I'm really excited about Duquette Johnston's upcoming record for a couple of reasons. Well, three I guess.
1) From what I've heard of it, it's going to be great. He's really going after it and pushing himself to create some serious music that pushes himself out of his comfort zone, by design. Listening to his Rebel King EP* for the first time right now and it's getting me eager for the release of the full length. (*Go get it now at that link! He just released it yesterday and it's FREE on Noisetrade!)
2) Matt Lane Harris is doing all the art for all this work Duke is putting out, and it's looking amazing. Excited to get to work with them both.
3) I had the chance to make the photographs, and more than that, we approached the project with intent of getting uncomfortable. I wanted to mirror the approach he'd been taking with all the other aspects of the recording, so we came up with plan that might normally make me nervous.
Here is that plan. We go out to some family land north of our city. At sunset. With only film cameras. In fact, the main camera is an 8x10 camera I made out of foam core, and the backup was an old 4x5 press camera. I took 10 photos only. 2 8x10 film shots. 2 8x10 paper negative shots (first time to ever try that, to add to the pressure), and 6 4x5s. Yeah, so we only took 10 photos total, and I couldn't be more excited about how they all came out.
We shot from around the time the sun dropped behind the mountain until it was well gone. Some of the shots were a second long, and some were 30 seconds long, and they were pretty much all guaranteed to be strange thanks to the light leaks inherent with the 8x10 and thanks to shooting hand held after the sun went down.
The first peek at the images is up at the Noisetrade page for his EP, and I CANNOT WAIT for the whole record to come out so I can show everyone the rest of the images. I've never been this excited to see one of my images on an LP (and any time that happens, I'm pretty much flipping out inside already).