Granddad with some fish

I was rummaging through a folder I keep of others' images that are inspirational in some way, and buried in there I found images I'd scanned from old family negatives. Totally forgot about these, but hit the jack pot on this one of my granddad. No idea when this was, but I'm relatively confident it would have been taken in Florida—possibly Lake Okeechobee—and I'm fully confident he is amazing.

We lost him about a year and half ago, or so, and I am reminded of him often, what with having bee stuff everywhere and photos of family littered around the house. I'm so proud to be keeping bees and know that it would make him happy to know we're still doing it.

Anyway. This photo is amazing on so many levels and it really makes me happy. The whole folder was cram-packed with the most banal, slice-of-life makes me want to collect the best (or worse) of them and have a whole website just for them. They're fantastic (even if fantastically bad, at times).