First day of Spring / My day on Instagram

The first day of spring for us here in Alabama was in the mid-80s which makes me sort of terrified about what summer has to offer. S'gonna be hot as crap. But I spent most of my day in an air-conditioned car and posting photos to Instagram*, and I'm gonna blather on about it right...Now.

*I love Instagram. It's almost unhealthy.

I got up ahead of sunrise, which is lately becoming too much of a habit, so I could get to ATL to meet up with Sarah Koch of DIG (Development in Gardening) and scamper over to the Dekalb Farmers market to stock up on a bunch of awesome whole foods to photograph as one of the final steps for their Nutrition Manual and their Gardening Manual they've been working on for a while. It's gonna be awesome, and by awesome I mean it's going to help them help others help others. That's a lot of helping. (The point of these manuals is to pictographically walk through stuff like diet / nutrition and how to make all that delicious food yourself in a garden)

I was greeted with the slowest ever merger on to I-75/I-85 I've even been a part of, despite it looking like a veritable wasteland.

Met up with Sarah at their new downtown office, which had a killer view. We immediately escaped to the Dekalb Farmers Market, which blew my mind. They had a no photography sign that I obeyed fully, if anyone asks.

And below is our take! Since we were only buying for a photo shoot, we were only buying something like 3 cents worth different things. Kinda felt bad about it. Oh well.

After we wrapped, I spent the day driving around in my oil-leaking car (soon to be fixed by the place that recently did work on the ole Subaru), meeting up with some friends for dinner, and talking myself out of buying an E-Pad.

The sun at horizon sandwiched my day.

But speaking of DIG, I was going to mention some more junk I'm planning on posting. I dropped in recently with Slaughter Group, who is responsible for me being connected with DIG in the first place, because they're working on what will undoubtedly become a killer photo-heavy print piece (which excites me). While I was there, we started talking about collecting stories that could serve as narratives throughout the piece and I found myself gushing about various groups or individuals. I didn't realize how jam-packed with awesomeness these DIG trips have been, but now that I've lived with it all for a while, the magnitude and depth of these experiences is sort of catching up with me. So I'm planning on making a few posts to talk about some of the people I've met and how their lives have been impacted by DIG.

Alright cool. I'll be back.

{ed note: Well crap. I've been mixing my days up. ALL THIS SHIT HAPPENED ON THE SECOND DAY OF SPRING! THIS BLOG POST IS RUINED!}