Nerdy blog post alert!
I'm headed to Kenya and Uganda for another trip for Development in Gardening and I'm excited as I am nervous (or at least ready to be there already). Last time I went, I brought an assortment of cameras without really knowing what to expect in terms of what we would be photographing. I shot, then, a lot of Rollei and Lomo with a little bit of digital here and there.
This trip we have a bit more of a plan of attack. The bulk of the "project" work will be shot digitally and I'm sneaking in a 4x5 for portraits and other stuff that stands out as being worth the effort to shoot it right.
I figured I'd do a quick post about all the geekery that I'm packing for this round.
In my ThinkTank Airport Security bag (the US one, not the International one...I'm a bit nervous about that for this trip..we'll see what happens) I have the following:
Toyo Field 45A
90mm lens
210mm lens
changing bag
3 x Grafmatic 4x5 film holders
300 sheets of HP5
Focusing loupe (thanks Rob!)
PocketWizards (you never know!)
a couple of flashes
Canon 5DII
5D backup body
24-70mm lens
35mm lens
100 macro lens
Fuji X100
Widelux F7
Light meter
various cards and chargers
and below,
old, irrelevant business cards (vestigial from last time I put cards in this bag)
sundry pluggy things
cable release
additional cords
And just for good measure, a gratuitous picture of myself with my clothes pack on.