Others' Lego cameras!

I got a flickrmail today from user Tomás Cortés Rosselot letting me know he'd build his own large format camera out of LEGO bricks! How exciting to see! Check out his stream for at least one example of shooting with it.


La LEGOFLEX © Tomás Cortés Rosselot

I also ran across a link to a Polish blog called fotoklocek, apparently by run by a photographer called Emil Stankiewicz who has been having fun building cameras out of various stuff.

Fotoklocek na statywie © Emil Stankiewicz

It is so exciting to see others jumping in to building their own cameras. I still plan on rebuilding mine into a Mark II (but I need to commit to a lens first, so I can build based on its focal length. Currently still using the 127mm lens, but may go longer or shorter. haven't decided yet.)

For now, mine still looks like this (shown with a "focus lock" attached, and it's sitting on the top of a tripod by way of the previously mentioned tripod mount.