I said last time I wouldn't post any OF myself for a while but I got an email from an old friend CONTAINING A VINTAGE FUCKING POPTPOP OF YOURS TRULY AND HERS TRULY.
This was sent in by my old school buddy Liz and its a new category of POPtPOP'in. I briefly proposed the name INIFINIPOP™ but I think we'd need another mirror in the shot. So this one is SORT of a Versus™, but its also of herself. Self-vs-self, in a way.
I think the new term is MetaPop™! MEEEEETTAAAAPOP (i say mehta-pop, but you can say meatah-pop if you WANT TO)
Here is what Liz had to say about the image:
So I was going through photographs the other day while cleaning out the office and I found (this) (... below, obviously). And I remembered your thing about pictures of people taking...... so I wondered...
Does it count if it's self-reflective? ( and does it count if you are in the picture?) (and if it is self-reflective-as in literally- does that make it an infinite poptpop?)
Anyway, this was a classic. Love the shirts.
And I have to say: This was at a hotel in Birmingham when she came to see me (from knoxville) when I was in college. The shirt I am wearing is from the Sturgis bike rally my dad took me to in 1998, though neither of us really rode at that point.
I ALSO have to say: i promise, the next poptop is AWESOME. in fact, IT IS MY FAVORITE OF ALL OF TIME.
Brace yourself, grab some Depends®, and hold on.
pps yes thats really me.