Day 258 - Rosa Loves


A great way to start a new week!

For those of you unfamiliar, there is an organization called Rosa Loves who does remarkable and admirable work helping people all over the world...all by selling tshirts. They find organizations and individuals all over the place (seriously...ALL over the place) and figure out their needs and design shirts based around the specific project.

I recently had the pleasure to photograph two of their new designs and the first launched today!

A young Kosovar man in who goes by Koki had the good fortunate to find the ear of Rosa Loves and will now be getting help on funding his education so he can help give back in his local community of Roma people. You should check out the whole story over at their site.

They launch another shirt I shot later in the week. I'll mention that when it is out.

The above is one of the shots I enjoyed from the shoot.