This is a shot taken around the time of stephen's poptpop (below).
©Stephen DeVries
Okay, so here is a cross-post for the day. I like this shot, but it was Mostly posted for the sake of it being what was being shot during a 4x5 on 4x5 POPTPOP (see the website for a larger image as well as other Pictures of People Taking Pictures of People).
I'll copy/paste from today's poptpop.
Oh man. History has been made!
The first 4x5 poptpop! Caleb got married to Laura this past Saturday and I shot a bunch of 4x5 for them, and so did Stephen DeVries. And he was responsible for the first, to my knowledge, large format Picture of [Me] taking a picture of [Caleb and his Groomsmen].
By the by, Bryan is totally flipping Stephen off.
Also, there was a HUGE pre-and-post PopTpoP-off. More to come!