I figured I'd post something here since it is my neglected corner of the internet. (The places I actually update are electric lion, poptpop, and finally I caved in and started using twitter.)
This year has been a bit odd so far. It started with a bang with a trip to Uganda to photograph for a lovely non-profit called DIG that teaches sustainable gardening skills to at risk people and others who have HIV/AIDS.
It has been a hard trip to top! What a way to start. Here we are in April and I find myself fighting with myself even more than normal about what it is I want to be shooting and how to present myself appropriately to find that work. I need to get back up to New York and meet more people. I made a few connections when I was there in January for an annual report and have a short list of names I didn't have time to have face time with in my two days off.
Anyway, internal dialogue remains difficult. I want to meet the person who has found the perfect match of making a living and shooting what they want. I know it is possible. I guess really I just want to meet more people. It is not a strength of mine (anymore, at least) to intentionally find people to meet. Got any suggestions?
Oh, hey, also....speaking of suggestions. I'm heading to Tokyo in June with my sister to celebrate her graduating grad school. Where should I go? Do you need anything photographed while I'm there? Can't hurt to ask, right?
I need to find better ways to manage my downtime. For now, here are some images from this year so far in no particular order. (if you see this in an RSS reader, you'll likely want to view the post at the journal proper.)