Introducing Charlie Roux
A week ago I got to witness Stephanie bringing our son into the world and be supported by an incredible team of women. Truly awe inspiring. Being able to participate as the partner gave me a profound new appreciation for everything that is childbearing.
Our midwife Lauren (@birminghamhomemidwife) and doula Allison (@bhmborn) were nothing short of sublime. Supportive, knowledgeable, comforting, empowering, calming, relieving, healing.
I can’t begin to describe watching Stephanie through this. Ineffable power and trust in herself and her body.
And apparently now we are parents to a little nugget we’re calling Charlie Roux.
Huge bonus to have my sister Nicole nearby to help us through the first night/morning.
We feel so incredibly supported and loved by our communities.
(Last photo of our little family was made by Allison Miller, our doula.)