There’s a great piece on southeastern conservationists in the current @gardenandgun and I had the pleasure of photographing one of them. Jason Thorneberry works for The Nature Conservancy and is responsible for the the fresh waterways in Alabama, and they are working on reconnecting the Cahaba river to the gulf, by way of other rivers. Restoring these water systems could help reinvigorate species that are threatened or possibly extinct.
There’s a lot more great work being done out there and you’d can catch more of it in the October/November issue.
This is Jason in his natural habitat—the headwaters of the Cahaba River in Trussville, Ala.
I also recently took a trip down to Greensboro, Ala. to visit @eatabadirs / Sarah Cole for @gardenandgun. Sarah has a lot going on in this small arts town, including her eatery that incorporates tastes her Egyptian roots as well as her non profit called @blackbeltfoodproject.
Known for her sweets, she prepared a four-layer lavender coriander cake with delightful little figgy decorations for our shoot.
We most certainly had a good day in her home kitchen.
Thanks to @maggiebrettkennedy and @margaret_h_dominick for sending me out to contribute to this beautiful issue.